After completing numerous projects in the leasing sector, PYA Solutions specialists can also help factoring companies, which are involved in recourse and non-recourse factoring manage their businesses efficiently. PYA Solutions works with the SOFT4Factoring solution, built on Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central (former Microsoft Dynamics NAV). Thus, allowing you to benefit from a world-class ERP system with built-in specific functionality needed by factoring institutions.
SOFT4Factoring enables you to manage financial transactions and types of debtor finance, quickly and easily.
- Automated calculation, accrual and invoicing of interest and commission.
- The ability to define Word-based templates for Factoring Agreements, Notification and Confirmation letters and automated production of the factoring documents based on these templates with the possibility of sending them immediately by email.
- Easy tracking and reporting. Always find a history of the correspondence with your customer, the latest related data, and scanned documents at your fingertips!
- Contact – Address details, enabling address fields to be broken down and stored in a highly structured form. Thus, ensuring that you have the correct mailing and searching in credit bureau databases.
- Collections Worksheet, which enables users to monitor delinquent accounts (e.g. customers with overdue invoices), to act and log them in the system (e.g. call the customer, log promise to pay, follow-up call if promise broken).
- Document Management, that provides document creation, storage, and distribution functions throughout the factoring process. The module enables document templates’ configuration and map to data in the System (e.g. automate the Factoring Agreement or Debtor Notification form with data fields filled in), and signed contracts and supporting documents uploading to the System.
- The Solution supports multi-currency and multi-language.
contact us if you want to learn more